Start Now!
It is never too early to begin preparing for college. Planning allows you time to make informed decisions about your next steps.
A Guide to College Planning, provided by the Genesee Intermediate School District, is also a great resource. Its college planning timeline and simplified steps, tips, reminders, and connections to local resources will help high school seniors stay on track.
Colleges, Degrees, and How to Apply
There are several types of colleges and levels of degrees you should be aware of as you are making your plans. Additionally, the Applying for College page provides information about when and how to submit your application.
The College Board website will help you prepare for college readiness and success with personalized recommendations and access to your PSAT/NMSQT, SAT, and Advanced Placement scores. The Big Future area of the site provides information and resources for college planning, careers, and financial aid.
Additional Resources
Check out the Financial Support area of this website to learn about ways to help pay for college.
Adults returning to college can find resources and information specific to their needs in the Returning Adults area. Additional resources for adults are located throughout the site.