Support Services

Adult with special needs working as a custodianHelping to Remove Barriers to Employment

Individuals who have barriers to employment should explore the following resources. The programs may provide assistance, information, or tools to help you be successful in the workforce.

GST Michigan Works!

Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act (WIOA) In School Youth in partnership with the Genesee Intermediate School District (GISD)

GST Michigan Works! offers WIOA Youth Services, in collaboration with the Genesee Intermediate School District, to assist those ages 14-21 who face significant barriers to success in the labor market. Resources and support to overcome those barriers and successfully transition to self-sufficient adulthood are provided by the program. There are certain qualifications, such as having a current IEP/504 and on track to receive a diploma within the next two years, a desire to work, and reliable transportation that factor into eligibility. Students should request to be referred by their school. For more information, contact Carrie Blanchard, GISD, at (810) 591-5021 or by email.

Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act (WIOA) Adult and Dislocated Worker Programs

GST Michigan Works! operates an Adult and Dislocated Worker program on a year-round basis. Basic and individualized career services are available, along with many options for education For more information about the WIOA Adult and Dislocated Worker Program, contact Raymond Barry at (810) 233-5974 ext.194 or by email.

Michigan Bureau of Services for Blind Persons

The Michigan Bureau of Services for Blind Persons (BSBP) provides training and services that empower people who are blind or visually impaired to achieve their individual employment and independence goals. Depending upon your needs and eligibility for specific services, BSBP may also provide some types of adaptive equipment, computer software, and postsecondary education.

Michigan Rehabilitation Services

Michigan Rehabilitation Services (MRS) is a statewide network of vocational rehabilitation (VR) professionals developing creative, customized solutions that meet the needs of individuals. The MRS Student Services program provides individualized services that assist high school students with differing abilities to prepare for, pursue, and retain careers.